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happy dragon boat festival! let's share our blessings and joy with others.~~许多人喜欢读一些有趣的句子,工作总结之家现在推荐你阅读一下端午节英文句子精选22条,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读本文。

1、may the festive spirit of dragon boat festival lift up your mood and bring a smile to your face.

2、whether you are in china, taiwan, hong kong, or another part of the world, the dragon boat festival is a time to celebrate tradition, heritage, and the values that bring us together as a people.

3、today is the chinese dragon boat festival, i wish you a happy festival

4、the dragon boat festival is a time for young people to learn from the wisdom and experience of their elders, and to appreciate their guidance and support.

5、on this special occasion of dragon boat festival, let's appreciate the wisdom and strength of our ancestors.

6、the dragon boat festival is a great occasion to practice mindfulness and to appreciate the present moment, with all its joys and challenges.

7、wishing you a dragon boat festival filled with joy and happiness.

8、the dragon boat


2024.01.13 端午节英文句子


1、as we celebrate dragon boat festival, let's remember the lessons of loyalty, strength, and courage.

2、the traditions of dragon boat festival teach us to value teamwork, perseverance, and dedication.

3、happy dragon boat festival! enjoy the races, zongzi, and all the festivities!

4、in addition to the traditional activities associated with the dragon boat festival, many people also enjoy watching fireworks displays and other nighttime spectacles.

5、may the fragrance of the zongzi fill your home with warmth and love on dragon boat festival.

6、happy dragon boat festival! may the waters be calm and the boats be swift.

7、here's to a happy and prosperous dragon boat festival for everyone!

8、sending my warm wishes and greetings to all on this auspicious occasion of dragon boat festival.

9、let's savor the delicious zongzi and soak in the


2024.01.12 端午节英文句子



1、the festival is also celebrated in other parts of asia, including vietnam and korea.

2、the origins of dragon boat racing are believed to date back to ancient china when boats were used in battles and for water transportation.

3、the dragon boat festival is a time to embrace diversity and cultural exchange, as people from different countries and backgrounds come together to celebrate a shared tradition.

4、the dragon boat festival is a time when people also engage in spiritual practices like meditation and prayer. - 端午节也是人们进行冥想和祈祷等精神实践的时候。

5、the dragon boat festival is a time to enjoy good food, music, and company with loved ones.

6、in addition to zongzi, people also eat other traditional foods such as salted eggs, pork belly, and scallion pancakes during the dragon boat festival.




2023.10.10 端午节英文句子


1、in some regions, people also make offerings of food and incense to the river during the dragon boat festival, as a way of expressing gratitude and respect.


3、many people also decorate their homes with beautiful paper crafts and make colorful dragon boats as a symbol of good fortune and protection.


5、the dragon boat festival is a time for people to learn the values of respect, harmony, and balance.

6、the dragon boat festival is an opportunity to learn about chinese history, folklore, and rituals.

7、zongzi, the sticky rice dumplings, are wrapped in bamboo leaves during the dragon boat festival.

8、the dragon boat festival is a time for people to pray for safety, health, and prosperity.

9、the festive atmosphere of duanwu is contagious and it is hard not to be caught up in the excitement.



2023.08.27 英语端午节句子

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